

All decisions that impact others must be informed by a framework of ethics.


The WEO supports people everywhere in their journey to define a code of conduct that helps them take meaningful, positive action.


We promote the study and practice of ethics in schools and universities, so that the next generation is empowered to make free, ethical choices for a better world.


The WEO connects businesses with a network of organizations, resources and training in ethics. We will offer an accreditation program that gives businesses the opportunity to be officially recognized as ethical corporate citizens.


Globally, trust in politics is at a low point. Political systems are out of step with our rapidly changing societies and technological leaps. Bringing ethical questions to the forefront of political debate helps to restore trust and lay the groundwork for reform.


We encourage the adoption of principles of ethical leadership. Through our Thought Leadership Circles, the WEO will work with influencers in business, politics, academia, and religion, to bring the ethics narrative to a wide audience.


Preserving an environment where human beings can thrive is an urgent challenge of our times. We believe that if people and organizations are supported to make more ethical choices, there will be a huge shift on issues such as climate change, pollution, unsustainable farming practices, and more.


The virtual world is a totally new space where anything is possible. This, and the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence, raise important moral questions that require urgent answers. The WEO will incubate innovative solutions to making the metaverse a more ethical place.