WEO Weekly: Why we need “Educational Ethicists”

In our top ethics story this week, Harvard Professor Meira Levin advocates for the establishment of a dedicated profession of educational ethicists. In the WEO’s view, this has potential value in fostering ethical awareness, dialogue, and informed...

WEO Weekly: The Challenges of Ethical Speech

One of our stories this week highlights some ethical dilemmas that can arise, and asks the question: would you speak up? Ethical concerns often involve questioning established norms, confronting powerful figures, or challenging deeply ingrained practices, leading to...

WEO Weekly: The Case for Ethics in Education

The week’s top 5 Global Ethics stories, summarized. Amid the lateset tragic events in the Middle East, our lead article this week draws an interesting thread from the global response, to the need for mandatory ethics education at university level. The WEO strongly...